Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens
Bring your binoculars! Jacksonville sits at the Northeast Gateway to The Great Florida Birding Trail and is a natural choice for a birding excursion.
Northeast Florida’s moderate temperatures, diverse habitats, and migratory route location, make it a popular birding destination. Dozens of state and national parks and nature preserves offer birders a dizzying array of species and habitats.
The 2,000-mile Great Florida Birding Trail, designated by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, is a self-guided trail complete with detailed guide books showing species descriptions, directions, and maps of birding opportunity sites.
Huguenot Memorial Park is a designated Great Florida Birding Trail site where birders are likely to spot gannets, loons, and sea ducks. This park includes a critical nesting area for terns and shorebirds, and often hosts rarities like bar-tailed godwits.
Visit Little Talbot Island in the spring to observe the migratory red knot as it makes its layover stop between Argentina and Canada. Spectators can observe these birds as they feed on surf clams to build up their strength and fat reserves for the final push to reach their breeding grounds up north.
Area attractions also offer opportunities to spot rare birds. Take a walk on the wild side as you photograph beautiful specimens at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens.
Stop 1: Big Talbot Island – State Road A1A North, 32226
Big Talbot island offers you the opportunity to become one with nature. The diverse eco-system offers a chance to see so much, especially when looking for birds.
Park your kayak or car at Sawpit Creek Boat ramp. In the marsh you may catch a glimpse of Clapper Rails, Seaside Sparrows and Marsh Wren.
Across the road from the boat ramp is Spoonbill Pond, spot waders and shorebirds can be spotted there. Further down the road in the park there is also a birdwatch station. It allows you to relax take a seat and observe the birds in their habitat.
End your day with a hike towards Black Rock Beach. Though it is called a beach, you are not permitted to frolic in the waters here. No worries, Little Talbot Island is just a short distance away for all your swimming desires. While at Black Rock Beach, you can park and take a hike. Along the trail, you should be on the lookout for migratory songbirds and painted buntings.
Stop 2: Ft. Caroline National Memorial & Theodore Roosevelt Area – 12713 Fort Caroline Rd, 32225
In the Arlington neighborhood, this historic fort is part of the National Park Service within Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve and represents some of the last untouched coastal habitat in Northeast Florida.
Stop by the Fort Caroline visitor center for an introduction to the area, a bird checklist and a map.
Along Hammock Trail, you can spot migratory songbirds while wading birds and raptors may be seen from the fort. Across the road in Spanish Pond, you will find Clapper Rails. Brush along Willie Brown Trail provide refuge for songbirds like Red-eyed Vireo, Veery and Painted Bunting.
Stop 3: Castaway Island Preserve - 2885 San Pablo Rd S, Jacksonville, FL 32225
Located in the busy Southside area, the Preserve is home to a unique ecosystem and hiking trails plus a kayak launch that connects you to the Intracoastal Waterway.
Along the intracoastal waterway you will find Wood Storks, Tri-colored Herons and Snowy Egrets can be seen.
During a low tide you can launch a kayak or canoe at the end of the boardwalk. This provides a great sky view of Northern Harriers and Tree Swallows during the winter months and Swallow-tailed Kites between spring and fall.
Relax on the covered observation platform and let the Clapper Rails, Marsh Wren and Spotted Sandpiper sing to you.
Stop 4: Camp Milton Historic Park – 1225 Halsema Rd N, 32220 Daily, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Located on Jacksonville’s Westside, Camp Milton Historic Park is the former site of several Civil War skirmishes.
Winter migration is the best time for birding here. Strolling along the paved trails you will spot Eastern Bluebirds, Eastern Meadowlarks, Palm Warblers and Loggerhead Shrike.
The skies are scattered with Bald Eagles, American Kestrels, and Sharp-shinned Hawks.
Near the creek area, you will find songbirds like Red-eyed Vireo, Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and Eastern Phoebe.